Did you know that it is currently Banned Books Week? 每年, 在九月的最后一周, hundreds of libraries and bookstores across the US join together to celebrate the freedom to read and the importance of the first amendment. 自1982年以来,超过11个.000 books have been challenged for a variety of reasons. Banned Books Week celebrates American’s right to free and open access to information and points out the harms of censorship by looking at both actual and attempted bannings of books across the country. 想知道更多吗?? Check out the ALA website and bannedbooksweek.org. 2010年最具挑战性的10个阅读更多→

《皇冠登录welcome》,坎迪斯·瑞安著, 迈克·洛厄里(Mike Lowery)绘制, 是两个好朋友的故事吗, 青蛙和兔子. 他们做任何事都在一起, 游泳, 吃花生酱三明治, 战斗的怪物, 和玩, but sometimes 青蛙和兔子 don’t get along. 当他们分开时, they learn that lots of things are more fun with your friends, so they eventually make their way back to each other, 道歉,继续玩下去. This absolutely adorable picture book is great for young children. 它是重复的文本, 聪明而简单的文字游戏, and cute illustrations perfectly depict how little things and big things can make you fight, 但它的阅读更多→

从toolboxforeducation.com: “Raise up to $5000 for your school in minutes. It’s almost that easy when you take advantage of Lowe’s Toolbox for Education grant program. Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation (LCEF) knows how hard you work for your kids and your community and we’re dedicated to helping your parent-teacher group achieve even more for your school. Apply for our Toolbox for Education Grant now and build on your already impressive parent group success with Lowe’s. Now in its 6th year of helping build better schools and communities, the Lowe’s Toolbox for Education program has provided nearly $25 million to more than 5,全国1000所学校阅读更多→

From National Public Radio (Sept 20., 2011): Fresh Air’s Terry Gross conducted a long interview with Maurice Sendak, on the occasion of his new picture book, Bumble-Ardy, which he called “a combination of the deepest pain and the wondrous feeling of coming into my own.” Read the story and listen to the interview HERE阅读更多→

A stolen baby throws a mother’s life into madness. A young girl yearns for life outside the house she’s virtually imprisoned in.  Beth Kephart的最新报道, 你是我的唯一, 充满了原始的情感:失去, 混乱, 心脏破裂, 恐惧, 爱, 和希望.  There’s little by way of literary devices, 图像, flowery language or flourish to mask the bare bones of a powerful story of two young women whose lives seem completely beyond their control.  Emma Rae is nineteen and trapped in a 爱less marriage.  孩子是她生命之光, 她的“唯一”, and when Baby is stolen from the backyard one bright bluemorning, 艾玛·雷的阅读更多→

From Reading Rockets: Small 爱 notes tucked inside a lunch box or book bag can really bring a smile to your child’s face. In addition to reinforcing reading skills, you’re also modeling the power of writing. Click Here to visit the site and get free downloads of ready-to-print note papers, 以异想天开的, colorful artwork by well-known children’s book illustrators. 科里 says:  My mom used to leave me little notes all the time (in fact, she still does when I go home to visit) – tucked into my lunch box, in my night bag when I went on a sleepover, 还有很多其他地方. 这是阅读更多→

你能真正了解一个人吗? Is it possible to understand every side of another person? Do you even really know all the parts of yourself? 艾凡已经不知道了. He thought he knew his best friend and soul mate, 爱丽儿, 但现在她走了, 从他的生活中剥离, he questions if he ever really knew her.  There’s the gaping hole her absence has left and it’s filling up with questions, 担忧, 绝望的孤独.  All the things he thought he understood about her, 关于他们的友谊, and about who he was because of her, have been turned upside down and he’s reeling in阅读更多→

School Library Journal’s Nell Colburn (9/1/11) reports: Four-year-old Ana peeks out the window and jumps up and down as soon as she sees a special visitor pull up in front of her apartment complex. “Mama, the bags, las bolsas,” she shouts. Mama has the two bright red bags ready. They’re full of children’s books, the only ones in their home. One holds Spanish-English board books for Ana’s baby brother, Tomás. The other has books for Ana: two picture book classics in English, Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar (World, 1969) and Martin Waddell’s Owl Babies (Candlewick, 1993), and two bilingual picture books in Spanish and阅读更多→