篮球定义了巴克莱·艾略特. As captain of the Chitwood High School basketball team in Georgia, Barclay dreams of eventually putting his talent to the test at a big-city D1 school with his best friend Zack Ito. 肖恩·海耶斯《welcome皇冠地址》中的主角, 托德女帽设计师, 还有卡琳·格林沃尔德, Barclay believes that a team is a family who shares everything and supports one another; it is a place where talent, 强度, 和坚毅相辅相成, 无论负担如何. 然而, when his biggest fan and the father figure in his life, his grandpa Scratch dies before seeing the Wildcats win another阅读更多→

多刺的, 不开心, and bruised by the tragic deaths of her parents, Maria Latif is bustled off from Pakistan to Long Island, 纽约. After being bounced from relative to unfortunate relative, she is now going to stay with family friends. Still, the orphaned Maria knows this is just another temporary landing place. 当她到达时, 玛丽亚已经准备好讨厌纽约了, but there is a secret about the Clayborne House on Long Island that she doesn’t understand. 一个不被爱的人, 没有, and unclaimed garden hums and thrums makes Maria think that this bit of earth can be hers. 有花园阅读更多→

Nina Stott is a daring spirit, a warrior unshy about being herself. 她是一个“像棱镜一样”的人, each person’s light reflecting through her, showing every single thing that [makes someone else] special” (259). 然而, she is tragically killed in a drunk driving accident. Without her sister Nina, Eleonora (Leo) doesn’t know what happy is supposed to feel like. Robin Benway’s novel A Year to the Day tells the story of Leo’s journey as she navigates the waters of grief and tries to regain her memory of that fateful night. Nina’s absence takes up space in Leo’s heart, reminding her of what has阅读更多→

但丁·美得玛没有找到的信息 is a romantic mystery that keeps the reader intrigued with every turn of the page. Medema tells the story of two “ride or die” friends: Vanessa Carson and 贝利 Pierce. A lover of Disney princesses and blue raspberry flavored Pop Rocks, 凡妮莎梦想有一天成为一名作家. 贝利, 另一方面, hopes to follow in her parents’ footsteps to work in computer coding and artificial intelligence. 一天晚上, the girls trade Pop Rocks therapy for champagne drinking and ice cream eating as they share secrets and commiserate about boys and 贝利’s breakup. 当瓦内萨收到一条短信阅读更多→

Anyone who likes a good ghost story will likely enjoy Dan Poblocki’s newest novel for middle grade readers, 骗子的房间. 十二岁的希尔双胞胎, Stella and Alex have moved to the country in Frost Valley, 纽约, 和他们的母亲和她的新婚丈夫, 查理·基德. Charlie’s ten-year-old son Simon is now part of the family, although Simon’s older brother Zachary had to stay behind in Ohio because of some trouble he encountered. A lover of scary things and scary stories, Simon is prone to exaggeration and seeks attention. So, when he concocts a story about ghosts, neither Stella nor Alex are inclined to believe阅读更多→

Like the Fleetwood Mac Song “Go Your Own Way,” Eric Smith’s protagonists Adam Stillwater and Whitney Mitchell—in his novel You Can Go Your Own Way—must decide whether love and sharing their worlds is worth the risk or whether divisiveness and potential loneliness is their reality. 故事发生在费城, Smith’s novel alternates between the two lead characters in its telling, 给读者洞察力和视角.  老电影的爱好者, 音乐, 还有弹珠街机游戏, Adam is struggling to let go of his father’s dream in exchange for his own since he feels as if giving up on the dream would mean he is also阅读更多→

Although not the historical fiction giant that is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, 杰西卡·维塔利斯的《welcome皇冠地址》 uses Death as one of its narrators. Through her twelve-year-old protagonist Gauge, 木匠的孙子, Vitalis explores the social custom of rites of passage and life after death. 在他爷爷去世之后, Gauge no longer has the protection he needs from Lord Mayor Vulpine who is terrorizing the village of Bouge and who blames Gauge for the death of his wife. 保护他不受卫兵的伤害, who wish to arrest Gauge and set him out to sea to die because he is a Voyant阅读更多→

卡罗琳·克里米的《welcome皇冠地址》 is a book about dogs and humans. Eleven-year-old Quinn has lost his dad to a heart attack and his dog Murph to a vehicle accident, and now he’s losing his brother Jessie to a pack of bullies. 渴望爱和关注, 奎因接受了洛蒂小姐的工作, who has created a family of dogs she is giving another chance. Quinn develops into a good belly rubber and an excellent chin scratcher, 被一群救援犬所宠爱. When the story opens, four dogs comprise the pack. With his 强度 and courage, Tank is loyal and trusty—a true bulldog阅读更多→

Set in North Carolina, 梅森·迪弗的《我们留住的鬼魂 is a book about coping with grief. It confirms that healing is a complicated process different for everyone. 当利亚姆·库珀的兄弟, 伊森死于一场肇事逃逸事故, 利亚姆的世界失去了正常.  16岁的, non-binary 音乐ian can find no life outside the 音乐 he makes with the aid of GarageBand software. Even his friends Joel and Vanessa consider him too morose. Feeling like he doesn’t belong anywhere and trying to navigate the grieving process alone, 他的愤怒和沮丧使他精疲力竭. Initially, Liam believes that he will move through the阅读更多→