Robby Weber writes a romantic-comedy that moves beyond what I define as a beach book, a sugary treat to indulge a craving but not necessarily one that prompts deep thought. 他的小说《如果你改变主意, Weber explores topics like relationships and finding the core of what matters. Even though real life and romantic comedies are very different things, 受到韦伯的影响, 我们意识到相似之处确实存在. 帮助读者了解其中的一些, each chapter is named for or alludes to a rom-com film to parallel the plot. Some of these include You’ve Got Mail, Serendipity,阅读更多→

Set in India on the estate of the Kaur Sher-Gil family, Tamarind and the Star of Ishta by Jasbinder Bilan captures the life story of Chinty’s daughter. Eleven-year-old Tamarind was born in India but moved to Bristol, England, with her father after her mother dies in childbirth. The young tween loves British football (soccer) but feels lost because her father won’t answer any of her questions about her mother. When Tamrind’s father remarries and decides to venture to India on a honeymoon, Tamarind goes to stay in the Himalyas at Alakapari with her mother’s family–who are virtually strangers. Initially, this time is fraught with confusion and阅读更多→

To reflect her view that the War to End All Wars didn’t do its job because of its complicated and convoluted nature, 珍妮弗一. Nielsen uses five viewpoints to tell the story Lines of Courage. 通过她的五个主人公, 他们的人生道路交汇, readers are invited to widen their perspective on WWI. 住在奥匈帝国, 一个十二岁的犹太男孩, 菲利克斯·鲍姆6月28日在场, 1914 when he saw a glint of metal and could have screamed a warning. Instead, paralyzed by fear, he remains silent and watches the Archduke of Bosnia and his wife die. 刺杀引发了一系列事件,导致阅读更多→

A young, 住在阿宾顿的黑人穆斯林妇女, Virginia, Sabriya (Bri) Siddiq revels in the feeling of control she has during ballet and dreams of reaching the American Ballet Theater.  When a terrorist attack happens at Union Station in Washington, D.C.,所有的计划都停止了. 哈基姆·沃特斯就是所谓的恐怖分子, 有了这个名字, 人们马上就会认为他是穆斯林. Soon, hate crimes are on the rise and Muslims across the country are targets. 作为一种释放的方法, Bri starts blogging in what she believes is a private online journal that turns out to be public because of a setting oversight.阅读更多→

卡尔·海森的读者们, 德羽衣甘蓝, and Laurie Halse Anderson’s Vet Volunteers series will likely be drawn to Evan Griffith’s debut novel for middle grade readers, 海牛夏天. Griffith tells the story of Peter Harrison and Tommy Saunders, two Florida youth who will enter sixth grade in the fall. The pair plans to spend their summer completing their Discovery Journal, a project that they began two years ago in which they catalog every animal species they see in the wild. Each discovery in the two hundred-page journal gets two pages. On one, Tommy records research notes; on another, Peter draws pictures. 这两个情人阅读更多→

Told via text messages and news alerts, 这不是一次演习.A. Holt reveals the story of Ava McDaniels and her drama with separating parents and friends who can’t keep secrets. 查尔把艾娃的秘密告诉了艾琳娜, 所以当艾娃和查尔陷入僵局时, 埃琳娜试图保持中立,就像瑞士一样. Notoriously forgetting to read the notifications on the Lila O’Leary Middle School App and to keep her phone charged, Ava finds herself trapped in a classroom when an intruder enters the school. Now the school is on lockdown and one of the sixth graders, Diego, needs an inhaler. 作为她的电话阅读更多→

《welcome皇冠地址》乔安娜·何瑞尔著. 6/14/22陈美宝莲爱她的父母, but sometimes she needs her brother Danny to stand between her and their expectations. When Danny commits suicide, May is suddenly adrift. The big brother she loves is gone and there’s a silence in her house that neither May nor her parents are able to fill. As they struggle to return to a semblance of normality, May’s family comes under attack when a prominent community figure not only accuses her parents of driving Danny to suicide but accuses the entire Asian community of putting unbearable pressure on their children阅读更多→

An avid fan of the hunch, Natalie Temple is interested in true crime. 她不顾母亲的劝告, 谋杀“不是娱乐”,” Natalie forges her mother’s signature on the form to join East Ferry High School’s True Crime Club. She also pores over book about murderers like the Golden State Killer and the Zodiac, spends hours on true-crime message boards where she trades theories with faceless strangers, and produces a “blood-drenched” podcast called Killing Time with her best friend and technical genius, Katie Lugo. 在俱乐部顾问的影响下. Lynn Halsey, Natalie learns that the world is not “some soulless hellscape,” that阅读更多→

年轻时的历史重演者, author Michael Leali not only writes about his experiences in The Civil War of Amos Abernathy but invites all readers to challenge the histories we have been told. 这本处女作的目标读者是年轻读者, Leali focuses on thirteen-year-old Amos as he battles against entrenched attitudes and fights for his friends Ben Oglevie—a young man whose parents are homophobic—and Chloe Thompson—a young Black woman who wants to share the truth about her ancestors. Reenacting 19th Century History is like time travel for Amos, who works as a junior volunteer at the Living History Park (LHP) in Apple阅读更多→